Hitting HRy Potter-inspired objectives, until they're done! 🪄

Tereza Machackova
3 min readFeb 10, 2023

Our people team at Deepnote got a little imaginative and decided to channel our inner wizard as we gear up for another quarter. This time we decided to go with a Harry Potter-themed approach. The main goal, aside from having fun, is to create a work environment where employees are performing at their best and most creative, where the company is acknowledged for its outstanding performance, and where Deepnote becomes an attractive destination for top talent. The objective is also to inspire and motivate you to wake up energized and eager to work.

Don’t be afraid to let your creativity shine when introducing your objectives to the rest of the company. Instead of stating a dry, boring objective like “Implement performance & progression processes that align individual contributions with company goals,” why not put a fun spin on it and give it a rhyme to make it memorable and enjoyable for everyone.

Objective 1: Expecto Patronum: Our folks are doing the best work of their lives 🪄

As one of the most powerful charms in the wizarding world, Expecto Patronum serves as a reminder that Deepnote’s people are doing the best work of their lives. The objective is to keep employees motivated, happy, and stress-free. To achieve this, the team will launch a continuous pulse survey and hold meaningful discussions to gain insight into employee satisfaction. The ultimate goal is to create a workplace where people are not only productive but also fulfilled.

Key result: Complete pulse survey, analyze results and create action plan

Objective 2: Alohomora: Unlocking the path to recognize performance 🧙🏻‍♂️

Alohomora is a spell that unlocks objects, and at Deepnote, it’s the path to recognizing employee performance. The objective is to build a strong foundation for performance recognition that is accessible and transparent. To accomplish this, the team will work with engineering to build a progression framework and gather feedback from employees. With everyone’s input, the framework will be tested and refined to ensure that it accurately reflects performance and drives progress.

Key result: Design and implement performance framework across the team

Objective 3: Accio Talentum: Becoming a magnet for great people 🧲

Accio is a spell that attracts objects closer, and with Accio Talentum, the People team aims to attract the best talent to Deepnote. To achieve this, the team will focus on increasing the number of high-quality candidates in the pipeline. They will track the ratio of inbound applicants per stage compared to open roles and aim to double the number of inbound applicants per job in each stage. Additionally, the team will work to increase traffic to Deepnote’s career site and participate in external events to promote the company’s engineering opportunities.

Key results: Increase the number of inbound applicants per job in each stage by 100% & redesign career page to 15% increase in visitors of our page & Organize 3 external events

When crafting objectives for your HR team, it’s crucial to prioritize the establishment of a compelling talent brand and attracting top talent. Moreover, it’s equally important to not only gauge employee satisfaction but also assess the performance and growth prospects of the team.

The People team at Deepnote is on a mission to create a workplace where people are happy, recognized, and inspired to do their best work. With the power of Expecto Patronum, Alohomora, and Accio Talentum, the team is set to cast a spell of success that will attract top talent and create a recruiting halo around the business.

